New report details how to fine-tune Asian 饮食s for better heart health

By Michael Merschel, 美国心脏协会 沙巴足球体育平台

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Just as the term "Asian American" encompasses a vast number of people and cultures, the idea of an "Asian 饮食" oversimplifies differences in what they eat, 一份关于心脏健康的新报告称.

了解这些差异对美国增长最快的种族群体和照顾他们健康的专业人士来说非常重要, says the 美国心脏协会 scientific statement, 周一发表在该杂志上 循环.

Dr. Tak关颖珊, who led the team of experts who wrote the report, 称其主要目的是强调不同亚裔美国人患心脏病和糖尿病的不同风险. 未能将亚裔美国人亚群分开可能会导致高估或低估他们患2型糖尿病和心血管疾病的风险, 根据报告.

"We cannot just say Asian Americans are all the same,关说。, chief of cardiology at Lenox Hill Greenwich Village hospital in New York City. “我们不应该一概而论."

The report's section on 饮食 offers a flavorful emphasis to that message.

Dr. 拉莎印度, vice chair of the report's writing committee, 他说,对亚洲饮食的误解可以追溯到更早的关于日本人偏好的研究. Those findings were then extrapolated to the whole of Asia, 说印度, 他是加州斯坦福大学的医学教授,也是该校亚洲健康研究与教育中心的创始人.

"But as we have evolved our understanding of Asian 饮食s and Asian culture, we realize that there are major differences in this wide geographical base," which accounts for 60% of the world's 人口, 她说. “所以在烹饪实践方面,有很多领域,也有很多差异."

一般来说, 报告说, 亚洲饮食有很多健康的方面, 包括大豆的使用, 不加糖的茶, 还有新鲜的水果和蔬菜.

关颖珊, who 也 is a clinical professor of medicine at Northwell Health, said the 饮食s 也 share some weaknesses. 他们不强调膳食纤维, 他说, and focus heavily on white rice and rice products, which means a lot of refined carbohydrates. Managing carbohydrates is important for controlling Type 2 diabetes, and a 饮食 rich in 饮食ary fiber can help protect against several illnesses, 包括心脏病.

但地理位置带来了多样性. So the report divides preferences into three regions:

-东南亚(柬埔寨), 越南, 泰国, 印尼, 老挝, 马来西亚和新加坡), where the 饮食 "incorporates the balance of grilling, 炒, 炖和油炸." Dishes often call for coconut milk, fish sauce, shrimp paste and meat broth.

-南亚(印度), 巴基斯坦, 斯里兰卡, 尼泊尔, 孟加拉国和缅甸), 素食者普遍存在的地方, but deep-frying is popular among people who eat meat. 米饭用于制作dosa(一种发酵的薄饼)和vada(一种油酥饼)等菜肴。, and flour is the basis of naan and roti flatbreads.

-东北亚(中国), 台湾, 日本和韩国), where soy and soy-based protein are popular, and white rice is "an integral part of each meal."

不同地区的饮食缺陷, 东南亚和南亚的饮食缺乏新鲜水果,并且从椰子油等食用油中摄取不健康的脂肪, 而东南和东北饮食则从酱油等调味品中摄取大量钠, 尽管各地区的偏好有所不同. (辣椒酱, 辣椒酱, 是印尼的主食吗, while sweet and savory hoisin would be more common in China.)

帕拉尼亚帕潘说,需要更多的研究来证明这些偏好与心脏健康风险的变化之间的关系. But the report 也 emphasizes how those risk levels differ for groups in the U.S.

关颖珊指出,这是一个整体, 与非西班牙裔白人成年人相比,亚裔美国成年人患2型糖尿病的风险更高. But East Asians (people with ancestry from China, 日本或韩国人的患病风险低于南亚人(包括印度人), 巴基斯坦, 斯里兰卡, 孟加拉国, 尼泊尔和不丹).

类似的, 华裔和日裔美国人患冠状动脉疾病的风险低于白人. 但南亚人的患病率是白人的四倍,是中国人的六倍.


For the South Asian 饮食, that might include adding more vegetables to stews. In the Northeast, it suggests seasoning with fresh herbs and spices to cut sodium. 东南地区, that includes switching to low-fat coconut milk or a nondairy alternative, 从椰子油转向低饱和脂肪高多不饱和脂肪和单不饱和脂肪的东西. (健康的选择 include vegetable, canola, corn, olive and peanut oils, according to the AHA.)

总的来说,报告建议用全谷物产品和糙米代替白米. 帕拉尼亚潘说,这实际上意味着回归到20世纪中期绿色革命之前的食物, 强调加工, 精制谷物,如白米和精制小麦粉胜过古代的全谷物.

当然, "we can't just assume by a person's race or ethnicity what their 饮食 is,帕拉尼亚潘说. But 报告说 culturally tailored screenings would help U.S. 卫生保健专业人员.

That's especially important for immigrant groups, 印度说, who tend to overeat foods that remind them of home, especially around traditional festivals.

帕拉尼亚帕潘已经看到了在不考虑个人背景的情况下评估饮食会发生什么. 病人经常被要求完成针对典型的美国饮食习惯量身定制的食物调查问卷.S. 饮食.

她的亚洲病人去找营养学家,被告知不要吃汉堡包之类的食物, 薯条或蛋黄酱. "The patients would say, 'Oh, well, I don't eat those things anyway.他们会继续吃萨莫萨(一种油炸糕点,里面塞满了从肉到巧克力的各种东西)。, jalebi (a syrupy dessert) and fried foods and not connecting that those, 也, were not healthy for their heart or their blood vessels."

这一点, 印度说, is not that everyone needs to switch to a Mediterranean 饮食, 健康饮食的基准, but to help people apply the science backing healthy 饮食s to their own cultures.

关颖珊说,单独研究亚洲亚群至关重要,这不仅是为了更好地了解差异如何影响2型糖尿病和心血管疾病的风险, 但也要学习卫生保健专业人员如何管理和提供文化上适当的护理和支持那些希望采用更健康的饮食习惯. 这可以从与了解他们来自哪里和他们吃的食物的注册营养师联系开始. A local community center or clinic might be a good place to ask, 关颖珊 said.

他和帕拉尼亚潘一致认为,在研究过程的各个层面上,需要做更多的工作来考虑亚裔美国人的需求和多样性. 人口普查数据 show Asian Americans make up more than 7% of the U.S. 人口. 预计到本世纪中叶,他们将成为美国最大的移民群体 人口预测 来自皮尤研究中心.

“亚裔群体是多样化的, 在这些不同的人群中,我们对动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病知之甚少,帕拉尼亚潘说.

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